All the worlds including that of Brahma are subject to the recurrence of birth (appearance) and death (disappearance): any life is destined to be reborn in another form on this earth. There is no such rebirth when God approves of your good demeanor on earth. Because, He is the timeless infinity whereas other worlds are bound by time.
One day (also called as Kalpam or Sargam) of Brahma consists of 432 crore human years. Likewise, one night (also called as Pralayam) has same measure of 432 crores human years. In terms of eternal measure, 1000 Deva yugas (celestial period) each equal to one day and one night of Brahma. Such 30 day and nights form one month, and 12 such months is a year for Brahma. The lifespan of Brahma is said to be 100 such years.
Each Deva yuga represents 43,20,000 human years which are falling into 4 categories as below. Our one year forms one night/day of Demigods, and 30 human years become one month, and 365 human years makes one year of their calendar. Such 12000 years of their world is called as Devayuga or Mahayuga.
KaliYuga = 4,32,000 human years
Dwaparayuga = 8,64,000 --do—
ThrathYuga = 12,96,000—do—
SathyaYuga = 17,28,000 -do-
All life forms emerge (birth) from the body of Brahma when his day begins, and they disappear (death) into the same body of him after the fall of his night. The affiliations and attachments (due to effects of karmas in previous births ) lead to such repeated births and deaths. But God remains formless and ever powerful despite these happenings in Him, the cosmic body.

Aum in Tamil
That individual who remembers the God even during the death is sure to reach Him which is called as ‘Parampada' or "Feet of God." Similarly, the individual will take the form of that which he thinks during the last breath. If a person happens to see a Dove during final moments of life, he/ she is blessed with the life of a Pigeon in the next birth. Therefore, a person must always remain thinking and talking about God and His grace which will enable him to remember God’s grace only when he passes out.
Undistracted meditation focusing on God is sure to take you to the divinity. Such devoted person is able to control his mind and body with the powers of yoga to remain blessed by God .
Bramacharyam is about sacrifice of the outcome of mind, speech, and actions.
The person who dies by avoiding all attractions to the senses, shunning all from the mind, and also chanting and remembering the essence of one lettered AUM
Such devotee remains immersed in praising God’s grace, and also ultimately merges into the divine form.
Those purified souls will never be reborn in the universe. Thus, they will be relieved permanently of the ills and pains of birth.
Therefore, make use of the priceless human birth, and make selfless service to others with pure devotion towards God to get rid of the rebirth and attain Paramapada.
(Extracts From Chapter 8, Akshara Brahma Yoga)
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