Human beings are to discharge their natural duties like rearing families, helping the fellow beings or creations of Nature without any expectations on the outcome or fruits of such duties. On the contrary, man cannot remain idle without performing his duties: in which case also, his destiny of future birth will be linked to the irresponsibility of such inaction.
God (Krishna) says "I have neither duty nor expectations from all the three worlds. Even then, I am always involved in my work. Because, if I keep away from my work, great chaos will prevail: as the humans who look to me as their guide, will also behave so and suffer heavily. So, I should remain in my duty to set an example."
God (Krishna) says "I have neither duty nor expectations from all the three worlds. Even then, I am always involved in my work. Because, if I keep away from my work, great chaos will prevail: as the humans who look to me as their guide, will also behave so and suffer heavily. So, I should remain in my duty to set an example."
Those who think that they cause all actions (ignorant of God’s powers) are foolish, and end up in pathetic situation.
A person can realise God in two ways.
1) Through Wisdom. The knowledge ‘The Ultimate, is the source of all creations of the universe is God only, Nothing is without Him. This is known as 'Gnana Yoga.'
2) Through Duty. Discharge of one's duty without minding the outcome is known as 'Karma Yoga.'
Undoubtedly, no one can remain idle at any point of time: because the human being is compelled by the qualities or gunas in Nature to do some actions. Even during sleep, your heart and other internal systems keep functioning in tune with the surroundings. That is why we get sweats when it is hot, or feel cold when we are asleep.
The person who controls all his senses but possesses the desire towards the enjoyment of such senses is a Fake or Liar. For example, A Chain smoker pretends to have stopped his smoking habit, and yet mentally desires to smoke.
The person who does all his duties ,whether personal or official or social actions, without caring to know what benefits or gains he will get out of these duties, is called a KarmaYogi. Such yogi will receive the grace of God.
Human beings are bewitched by the gunas in nature and lead them to various desires, and, in turn, indulge in the foolish actions. They take pride by feeling as they are the actual doers.
Senses, Mind and Knowledge are said to be the sources of Desires.
The objects of each sense (Sight, Hearing, Odor, Touch, and Taste) have good and bad effects. One should be alert to not get trapped in them. Because they are the hurdles to the advancement of human being.
So, one should have control over the senses, and uproot this sinful desire that spoils the wisdom and truth to gain bliss (Anandha).
Senses are said to be superior than the body: they are strong and delicate.
A person can realise God in two ways.
1) Through Wisdom. The knowledge ‘The Ultimate, is the source of all creations of the universe is God only, Nothing is without Him. This is known as 'Gnana Yoga.'
2) Through Duty. Discharge of one's duty without minding the outcome is known as 'Karma Yoga.'
Undoubtedly, no one can remain idle at any point of time: because the human being is compelled by the qualities or gunas in Nature to do some actions. Even during sleep, your heart and other internal systems keep functioning in tune with the surroundings. That is why we get sweats when it is hot, or feel cold when we are asleep.
The person who controls all his senses but possesses the desire towards the enjoyment of such senses is a Fake or Liar. For example, A Chain smoker pretends to have stopped his smoking habit, and yet mentally desires to smoke.
The person who does all his duties ,whether personal or official or social actions, without caring to know what benefits or gains he will get out of these duties, is called a KarmaYogi. Such yogi will receive the grace of God.
Desire is the source of all evils and sufferings. It forms a veil over the wisdom and acts like smoke over fire, and dust over a mirror affecting the visibility of any image. Desire alone lands a person in all kinds of wrong deeds and sins.
Human beings are bewitched by the gunas in nature and lead them to various desires, and, in turn, indulge in the foolish actions. They take pride by feeling as they are the actual doers.
Fire never gets satisfied and keeps spreading. Like wise, desire also keeps growing one after another.
Senses, Mind and Knowledge are said to be the sources of Desires.
The objects of each sense (Sight, Hearing, Odor, Touch, and Taste) have good and bad effects. One should be alert to not get trapped in them. Because they are the hurdles to the advancement of human being.
So, one should have control over the senses, and uproot this sinful desire that spoils the wisdom and truth to gain bliss (Anandha).
Senses are said to be superior than the body: they are strong and delicate.
Mind is superior to the Senses. And still, Knowledge is more powerful than the Mind.
However, the one which overrules all these is the Atman(Soul) which is far superior, powerful and delicate.
The one who discharges the duties without any like or dislike on the outcome, and also who offers such actions to the God is the soul destined to derive the bliss. Such soul will reach His abode with no further birth. That means the soul is set to enjoy the eternal bliss and grace of God.
(Extract from Chapter 3, KarmaYoga )
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