
Those who reach the abode of God never get birth again when the next cycle of life starts from Him. Similarly, they never suffer from the final dissolution of life (apocalypse) to the universe.

Nature is the place of birth for all. God serves the seed whereas nature is the mother. Three Gunas or qualities ( SatvaRajas, and Tamas) emerge from nature to bind the deathless soul or life in the body.

Dominance of Satva Guna over the other two makes a person attain the heaven.
But  possessing more of Rajas Guna results into the rebirth as a result-oriented human being.  The dominant Tamas Guna leads to rebirth among the lowest order as animal, insect, worm, etc.. Or even lands in the hell, depending on the level and intensity of sins committed in the previous birth.

Satvik action is selfless and pure in intention producing pleasure to all. Rajasic action is  self-centered and produces grief to others. The last one, Tamas is ignorance to the core and neither benefits the self nor others.

One who remains unaffected by the above three gunas as they seize or leave him together or separately, and who never feels “I am the doer” (Kartha) is said to have overcome the three gunas. 

This will be possible only when a person realizes the truth “Gunas alone play into gunas to cause the actions, and not he is involved in any of them.” But to achieve this, he needs to practice the selfless and undistracted devotion to the worship of God.

Sages practice devotion and penance as Ghana and Bhakti yogas, whereas Ordinary people can do this through Karma yoga which means discharge of one's duties and submission of their results to God.

(Extracts from Chapter 14, Gunathraya vibaga  yoga )

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