Sharing in Life

All we see in the universe are the different manifestations of one God only. This is called as "Samachintha" in sanskrit. If the individual knows he is divine and that all else are equally so, that consciousness is the best bond for society; that bliss(ananda) is the best atmosphere to sustain the peace in the world.

Five great oblations or offerings (yAgjam or yaga)are prescribed so that human beings can humbly share with the God who is present in the various forms around us. They are:

1) Daily worship of God is "Deva yAgjam."
2) Recitation of Scriptures with devotion is "Rishi yAgjam"
3) Service to Parents and Remembering the Ancestors is "Pithir yAgjam"
4) Service to People is "Nara yAgjam'
5) Kindness to Other living things of nature is "Bootha yAgjam".

The person who doesn't share through the above five methods is termed as a Thief.
The one who consumes that is left over after sharing, is said to be freed from all sins incurred earlier.

Each and everything has the origin in God only. Again, all of them fall in a cycle: Life emerges from the food which in turn comes from the rainfall. Yagjam actually results in rain and this yagjam is the outcome of the actions originating from Scriptures or Vedas. And these Vedas appeared from God. This confirms the supreme power of God .

If one of the links in the above cycle is broken due to the inaction or non-action from the human beings who are empowered with Sixth sense, the entire system gets destabilised. The symptoms are exhibited as shortage of food from famine or flood, spread of diseases, earthquake, etc..

Therefore, human beings should share whatever they have, by way of offerings,  with the earthly companions, ancestors and the God.

( Extracts from Chapter 3- Karma Yoga)

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