
The One that makes a person gain the divine bliss is the real knowledgeHowever, It pervades and fills the entire universe; It can sense everything but has no senses, protects everything without any expectation, and has no characteristics of own but enjoys all characters of His creation.

It resides in and out of everything, living or otherwise. It is the soul of moving or stationary objects. It lies near and far as wellIt is invisible but omnipresent.

It is the Supreme source and energy of all illumination but lies beyond any illusion. It is the source of all resources. It can be reached only through spiritual  knowledgeBut, it is within you: in your heart forever.

Nature (Prakruti) is responsible for all actions and reactions.
Soul (Atma or Purusha) is responsible for the feelings of joy and grief.

Soul experiences all  products made of the three qualities (gunas=satvic,rajas and tamas) that emerge in nature. And this contact of Atma with the prakruti’s qualities determines the appearance of Jeevatma(soul) in good or bad forms in the succeeding births.

A person who understands the above doctrine of purusha and prakruti has no rebirth though he/she discharges the enjoined duties.

Some people gain the divine bliss of no rebirth through pure and fine meditation and penance (Bhakti yoga). Some reach that stage with the knowledge gained from holy scriptures (Gnana yoga), and some others by self-less actions (karma yoga).

But the unintelligent persons simply practice what the scholars preach, unaware of the real thing or truth. However, even they also successfully overcome the trouble of life and death.

Therefore, the various forms and typesliving or non-livingseen in the universe are actually the result of the permutation and combinations of Prakruti(kshetram) and Purusha(kshetragnan) only.

One who sees the God as unbiased and  indestuctible in all that get destroyed, is said to have the real vision. Such person will also realize the fact that atma or soul is not the real doer (kartha) but it’s the result of prakruti only.    

To be precise, human being is an example of and witness to the existence of God.                 
The true devotee attains the abode of God by understanding all the above through dedication and selflessness.

( Extracts from Chapter 13, Kshetra Kshetragna vibaga yoga )

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