
God has no origin or end. He is the source of all life. He controls Nature and emerges in its varied forms and sizes. That means God is omnipresent and omnipotent.

Whenever Virtue and Trust are overtaken by Vice and Dishonesty, God appears through incarnations (Avtars) to uproot the bad and  stabilize the will of truth. These avatars are for the sake of protecting the good by destroying the evils.

Whatever be the methods of his devotees, God approaches by the same route: Devout Kannappa offered raw meat with true love, and got blessings of GOD.

Those who expect the benefits for their work, they worship the angels meant for that purpose. 
God, despite his supreme powers, never assumes the pride of  Doership (Kartha) and so he is devoid of any responsibilities for His actions( Karma). When we realise and practice this truth, we can also avoid any bondage of our actions.

One who finds inaction in actions, and also action in inaction, that person is said to have true wisdom (Gnanam): such person is said to have done all his duties, and always remains to receive the blessings of God.

Those who renounce all worldly pleasures by control of  the body, mind, and senses, but keep doing the actions needed for their physical living, are said to avoid the carry over of fruits of their present  life, as Salvation is assured from the shackle of life and death.

The physical offerings to God, such as Fruits, Sugar, Ghee, Incense sticks, etc. are inferior to the offerings made with the total surrender and devotion of a soul through self-realization and wisdom. Because, the latter does not involve any violence or harm  to other lives like plants, trees, animals, etc..

Sages of true wisdom and austerity have to be revered and worshiped through our total devotion and service to them. Like the flaring fire destroys whatever comes in contact with it, their wisdom cleanses us from all previous actions(karma).

Self-control and sincere dedication in one's duty would bring wisdom of life: that moment itself, he/she feels bliss or God. 

Careless and Unwise are Doubting souls that are bound to perish without a name in both the worlds, Earth and Heaven. Also, he wouldn't live happily in this world also.

(Extract from Chapter 4,  Gnanakarma SanyasaYoga ) 

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